It’s Time to Mosquito-Proof Your Yard
It might be hard to believe, but mosquito season is just around the corner. Depending on the species, some mosquitoes hibernate during the winter and re-emerge when the weather begins to get warmer, while others hatch from previously laid eggs in the spring. Generally, though, mosquito activity begins when the temperature reaches 50°F. Because mosquitoes thrive on hot weather, mosquito volume increases with the temperature, reaching its peak during the hot summer months.
If you’re like most people, you probably not thinking much about mosquitoes right now – until you get that first red, itchy welt on your skin that is a sure sign of a mosquito bite. Unfortunately, quick-fix mosquito solutions only last a few weeks and won’t get the job done. Your mosquito control program needs to be implemented on a long-term basis to provide effective, lasting protection throughout the mosquito season.
Why Be Concerned About Mosquitos in March?
There are 176 known mosquito species in the United States, all of which can also pose health hazards to people and animals, including eastern equine encephalitis, West Nile virus (which, in severe cases, can cause brain damage and even death), and chikungunya (which can cause fever, rash, severe joint pain, and other health issues.
If you wait until you have been bitten – or until you see that first swarm of mosquitoes – then you have waited too long, as the mosquito breeding population has already been established. To effectively negate any potential mosquito problem, you must begin the fight before nearby mosquitoes have had the chance to propagate.
Why is timing so important?
As the weather warms, the mosquito breeding cycle time shortens, which means if you see one or two mosquitos when the weather is 50°F, you’ll see lots of them when the weather hits 80, and you won’t want to venture onto your back deck when the temperature climbs into the 90s. So, if you want to win the battle against mosquitos, you need to start when the weather is still a tad chilly – before we start seeing consistent 50-degree temperatures.
How to Mosquito-Proof Your Property
Now is the time to begin mosquito-proofing your yard by making it less inviting to these biting insects.
- Remove standing water: Standing water serves as a mosquito’s breeding grounds, so get rid of anything that could potentially hold water, including flowerpots, birdfeeders, old tires, wheelbarrows, and buckets. Remember, mosquitoes only need a small amount of water for depositing their eggs, so even that sunken area in your driveway that’s always puddled up is a potential mosquito breeding pond.
- Clean gutters: If your gutters are clogged with leaves and other debris – which, after this year’s winter, they probably are – then they likely are also filled with standing water. As soon as the weather allows, give your gutters a good cleaning.
- Fill in low-lying areas: Remember what we said above about your driveaway? This goes for ditches and other low-lying areas, too. If you have areas that collect standing water after a rainfall, then you have potential mosquito breeding spots. Survey your property for these potential trouble spots and fill them in wherever possible.
- Fill hollow logs: Hollow logs are another source of standing water. Not only that, but hollow logs are also a preferred home for hibernating mosquitoes.
Invest in a Mosquito Control Program
As the leading mosquito exterminator in the greater Richmond, Newport News, and Williamsburg areas, Eco Pest Control specializes in family-friendly mosquito control for your home and yard.
Although a regular service plan administered by one of our highly trained mosquito exterminators can reduce and minimize nesting mosquitoes, sometimes what is needed is a more specific approach designed for maximum mosquito protection and control. To review your options, call us and we will send a mosquito exterminator to meet with you and inspect your property. Our mosquito control options include:
- Customized mosquito control service plans
- Eco-friendly, full-yard mosquito-control treatments
- Micro-encapsulated mosquito prescription for long-lasting, time-released mosquito control
Don’t wait, however, until the mid-summer months when you have a major mosquito-infestation. If you want to enjoy your yard right through the end of fall, then the time to get started is now.
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