Putting Our Communities First
From providing fundraising opportunities to sponsoring youth and family programs to helping fight malaria in third-world countries, Eco Pest Control and its entire team of professionals is always focused on the customer and our communities.
Fundraising Opportunities
The easiest fundraiser you’ll ever run! There are no materials costs, no order minimums, no product to keep up with, all calls are direct to Eco Pest Control. We provide your program with a special code, and you’ll start receiving profits that very month. We offer a service guarantee, and we’ll price match almost any competitor’s published price.
Eco Pest will give back 40% of the service fee to the youth organization of your choice.

Sponsorship Opportunities
At Eco Pest Control, we are always looking for ways to give back to the community. We want to play a part and help out locally owned organizations, like Eco Pest Control, that have similar goals, values, and visions. Sponsorship is much more than an outfield sign at a baseball park or providing new technology for growing meaningful organizations. To us, sponsorship is a way we can connect with the community that has supported us all these years.
Eco Pest is proud to support locally owned organizations within our community.
Ending Malaria Together
Eco Pest Control is raising money to send protective mosquito nets and other malaria interventions through the Nothing But Nets Campaign – the world’s largest grassroots campaign to end malaria, which is one of the oldest and deadliest diseases that is a leading cause of death among children in the world. Malaria is transmitted at night by a mosquito bite, but a simple net hung over a child’s bed can provide protection from the deadly, yet preventable disease.
Eco Pest is donating $5 for every mosquito control treatment they provide! You can help, too!