Why People Hire a Pest Exterminator
Pests outnumber us in every way – more of them and more kinds of them, and more ways to disrupt our lives, than most of us will ever have ways to defend against them on our own. Their main defense, in most cases, is how small pests are, how they can take up residence and start doing damage before we even know it. For a homeowner, or anyone responsible for a building – residential or commercial – to go through life without a pest exterminator is like going through life without a doctor. You might get away with it for a while, yet eventually life without a pest exterminator doesn’t pay.
By Any Other Name
Things might work better and more people might realize the need if there was a better name than pest exterminator. It means we kill them, and certainly we do that. Yet, by the time it comes to exterminating, a certain amount of damage may already have been done. Some kinds of home-invading pests make their presence known pretty clearly. Many others can do their dirty work unnoticed for years, hiding away without a sign.
Like a family doctor, our highest and best role is in keeping you aware of conditions and preventing any threat to your well-being from taking shape in the first place. With due respect to the doctors, whom we admire, we know this might seem uppity to make such a professional comparison, but we hope you see the point, because it’s the first service we can provide – awareness.
When Problems Arise
Unfortunately, the first time folks call a pest exterminator in the greater Richmond, Newport News, and Williamsburg areas is typically when they can see a problem. We are always glad to help, and we’ve got answers that can fix that problem, usually right away. Further, being invited into a person’s home and entrusted with a job as important as this is an honor we never forget, so we do our utmost to live up to the job of fixing that problem in a way that minimizes the disruption of their home.
One reason our first acquaintance is too often as a response to a problem is because of a misconception. Too often, folks believe that if they keep a tidy house, they can stay pest-free. Unfortunately, many of the reasons pests are attracted to a home have nothing to do with cleanliness. That’s why regular service for your greater Richmond, Newport News, or Williamsburg home or office from a pest exterminator is such an important thing to start.
Why it Takes a Professional
Do-it-yourself answers, such as bug sprays or mouse traps, might give the satisfaction that comes from taking action. Unfortunately, they only treat “the tip of the iceberg.” Usually, the source of the problem is hidden away, out of sight and out of reach. This is a job for a professional pest exterminator, who has the training to trace the infestation to its source.
A healthy in Richmond, Newport News, or Williamsburg home is, perhaps, the most fundamental reason people hire a pest exterminator. Public health has been in the news more than ever, in the past several months, and the three biggest reasons public health professionals cite for the advances we have made over past generations in public health, and the quality-of-life that comes with it, are these: 1) top-notch vaccines and medications, 2) improved sanitation, and 3) high-quality pest control. These are the foundations of those advances in public health, they say.
Some Ugly Examples
It is important to bring the health benefits of a pest exterminator to mind, even though the examples are not pleasant to name. Rodents can carry Hantavirus, which can be fatal if passed to human beings. Lyme disease, from ticks, comes with flu-like symptoms and, even worse, those symptoms can become repetitive or even chronic. Mosquitoes can carry a variety of diseases, from West Nile Virus to Zika. Because it is impossible to know if a pest is carrying a disease, the wisest course is to eliminate – or exterminate – the possibility.
Property damage from pests racks up an annual cost of more than millions. Termites, carpenter ants, and other wood-faring bugs are capable of reducing a home to rubble if allowed to do their work unchecked. Carpet beetles, silverfish, and others are attracted to organic fibers, and so they can do damage to your home’s furnishings, even before they are noticed.
Keeping food healthy and safe is yet another reason people hire a pest exterminator, not only in your Richmond, Newport News, or Williamsburg home, but importantly too in restaurants and commercial food service operations. Scrap-eating pests such as rodents and roaches, and pests attracted to the smell of food, can get to it before you do. Even in the garden, pests can disrupt the proper growth of fruits and vegetables. A professional pest exterminator inspects outside as well as inside the home, to prevent or put an end to damage wherever it might arise.
The Best Reason is Stress-Free
Peace of mind is what it all adds up to, and indeed that might be the best reason of all to get acquainted with a professional pest exterminator, because it is a reason you can enjoy continually.
For residential pest control, you can depend on us for uncompromising service, courtesy, and consideration. You will receive notifications before and after ongoing services, and if we have an appointment, you can depend on us to be on time. At commercial buildings, deliveries, and the high traffic that makes businesses thrive also open the door to pests. We offer experience in eradicating and preventing problems for offices, warehouses, medical facilities, and restaurants, to name just a few.
For pest control in multi-family buildings in the greater Richmond, Newport News, and Williamsburg areas, our integrated pest prevention includes coaching residents and tenants on the benefits and techniques of prevention, as well as providing the expected duties of a pest exterminator.
Call us at the numbers below and let’s arrange a professional inspection that puts peace of mind on your side in the ongoing protection of your home or business.
- For a pest exterminator in the greater Richmond area: (804) 575-7054
- For a pest exterminator in the greater Newport News area: (804) 575-7054
- For a pest exterminator in the greater Williamsburg area: (804) 575-7054
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